
Zero coronavirus cases: The last two African countries standing

Two African countries are left standing with no recorded case of the deadly coronavirus.

The virus has spread to 52 African countries, the latest being the tiny Central African island nation—Sao Tome.

Southern Africa’s Lesotho and the archipelago of islands that make up Comoros are free from the COVID-19 infections as African leaders close their borders.

As at March 27, 2020, eight African countries were yet to record a case. But some 11 days later, this is down to two.

Sub-Saharan Africa recorded its first case of the infection on February 27 through Nigeria, and the continent’s cases have since shot up to 10,000. While the death toll is almost 500, the number of recoveries is about 1,000.

But landlocked Lesotho and the Comoros Islands are holding their own against the disease which had pushed some of the world’s most robust healthcare systems to bite dust while billions of the world’s population stay home to reduce the spread of the infectious virus.

As of March 27, 2019, eight African countries—Lesotho, Comoros Island, Sao Tome, South Sudan, Burundi, Malawi, Sierra Leone and Botswana.



Population: 2.2 million

Flag of Lesotho image and meaning Lesotho flag - country flags

Lesotho has no capacity to test for coronavirus. Suspected cases are sent to South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases. So far 10 cases sent to its neighbour’s public health institution, came out negative.

Lesotho is surrounded by South Africa, which has more than 1,200 cases. Even before the number of coronavirus cases spiked in South Africa, Lesotho shut down all its borders to prevent the scourge of the virus from reaching its nation of rolling mountains and valleys.

No one is allowed to leave the mountainous kingdom or to come into Lesotho as the authorities take drastic measures to protect their citizens against the deadly coronavirus.

But as health workers in the rest of the world gird their loins to fight the disease, Lesotho’s doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians among others are protesting following failed attempts to engage the government on how to obtain protective gear.

The health workers had given their ministry until April 3 but respond to their grievances, but the government has remained quiet, EWN reported.

Last week, the government declared a state of emergency and a lockdown and a national command centre has been set up.

But doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals said that they remained on the sidelines and decisions were made for them.

They want protective gear, training,  their members paid if they contract the COVID-19 and a risk allowance.


Comoros Island

Population: 832,000

Flag of the Comoros - Wikipedia

Africa’s fourth-smallest country, by land size, is yet to record a case. Little is known of its coronavirus efforts. However, by mid-March, the country had introduced several measures, including immigration restrictions and enhanced screening procedures, to prevent the spread of coronavirus to the island.

The tiny island in the Indian Ocean made global headlines and won the hearts of millions with a noble gesture when it donated €100 to China to fight coronavirus.


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