
‘Work hard to shame your critics’ – Nana Addo to Bono Regional Minister

President Nana Akufo-Addo has asked the Bono Regional Minister, Evelyn Kumi Richardson, to prove her critics wrong by working hard to make the desired impact.

Evelyn Kumi Richardson’s nomination and subsequent approval was put to a secret vote in Parliament after stiff opposition from the Minority over several allegations of wrongdoing.

Speaking at her swearing-in at the Jubilee House last night, President Akufo-Addo told Evelyn Kumi Richardson to justify her appointment.

“You had a strong vote of approval. Work to shame those who opposed your appointment.”

124 of the Members of Parliament voted to endorse her approval last week while 85 voted against her.

The Minority MPs in Parliament earlier pushed for the nomination of Mrs. Kumi-Richardson to be rejected by the House.

According to a report presented to the House by the Appointments Committee, her approval was only supported by the Majority.

The Appointments Committee of Parliament also earlier withheld Mrs. Kumi-Richardson’s approval because her nomination was under contention.

Minority MPs raised questions about the academic qualifications of Mrs. Kumi-Richardson who was the Municipal Chief Executive for Sunyani.

Her human relations, some travels she undertook as MCE were some of the issues that the Minority raised during her appearance before the committee.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu insisted that Evelyn Kumi-Richardson must provide further information on audit queries and land issues under her purview as Sunyani MCE.

Source: citinewsroom

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