
Withdraw ban on importation of used electrical appliances – Minority to Gov’t

Source The Ghana Report

The Ranking Member on Parliament’s Mines & Energy Committee, John Abdulai Jinapor, has asked the government to immediately review its decision to ban the importation of all used electrical appliances.

According to him, this directive will render a majority of Ghanaians who trade in these appliances unemployed and have severe economic consequences on the already impoverished Ghanaian consumer.

“The decision by the Government of Ghana, acting through the Energy Commission, to ban the importation of all used electrical appliances into the country is most unfortunate and must be reviewed immediately.

“Even more disturbing is the lack of a grace period or transition period before implementing this policy. For such a policy that has far-reaching consequences, it is only proper that some transition period is allowed to enable traders and consumers ample time to adjust to the policy, especially this time that the uncertainties in the Ghanaian economy are abound,” the former Member of Parliament said in a statement.

He stressed that the way and manner in which the Legislative Instrument (LI) was rushed through Parliament without adequate consultation and extensive engagement with the various stakeholders was most unfortunate and appalling.

“It is important to remind the Energy Commission that best practices will require the Commission to engage in extensive consultations, particularly with the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament, to solicit their views and input on such an important LI before implementation.”

The Energy Commission announced a ban on the importation of 20 used electrical appliances and renewable energy products earlier today.

This regulation, according to the commission, entered into force on November 2, 2022.

A statement from the commission said the ban is to prevent Ghana from becoming a destination for used and substandard products, to protect the environment and to protect consumers from paying high electricity bills.

Some of the products are air conditioners, television sets, electric kettles, washing machines and fans.

“To protect the livelihoods of persons in the electrical appliances and renewable energy products markets, the Regulations provide for a transitional period of one year for the market to adjust,” the statement said.


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