
Why You Should Get Married – Top 10 Reasons Why It’s Still Important Today

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the word marriage? Is it the sanctity of the wedding in your religion or the legality of being married by law that makes it more valuable?

Are you someone who still values the formality of being married to the person you chose to love forever?

You might also wonder why get married these days. Is it still as important nowadays, when divorce rates are soaring high?

What is marriage?

Marriage, also known as matrimony, is a union of two individuals. It is a cultural and legal union between people which establishes the rights and responsibilities between spouses.

Although marriage is considered a cultural universality, its significance differs between religions and cultures of the world. To know more about what is marriage, read this article.

Marriage or live-in

Marriage is the legal union of a couple who has decided to spend their life together. However, live-in relationships are recognized mostly as an unofficial arrangement between a couple to live together.

Both concepts are similar, but there are some important differences between marriage and live-in relationships. Marriages are accepted socially, whereas live-in relationships are still taboo in many parts of the world.

Marriage comes with a status of mind where you are answerable to each other, responsible for each other, provide certain rights, benefits, and obligations. However, in live-in relationships, many things are different than marriage.

Live-in relationships are not socially acceptable, and couples still maintain single status. Although the arrangement is similar to marriage, it is not legally binding or recognized by society.

People who get married are ready to commit to a person for a lifetime unless they decide to break it legally. In a live-in relationship, people live together, test their compatibility, and have the free will to move out of the relationship without having any legal proceedings.

Both marriage and live-in relationships have their set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s entirely up to couples which one of these they choose.

The importance of marriage

The importance of marriage has been questioned from time to time. Marriage takes continuous effort and is more than rings, vows and celebrations. Marriage provides stability and a sense of belonging. People often ask why marriage is important, but most of them do not understand why until they get married.

Here are a few points explaining the importance of marriage:

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