
Why Millennials Are Key To A Business’ Success

It is imperative that employers learn how to manage the younger generations like us. In the next few years, millennials will surpass Baby Boomers and GenXers in the workforce.

We are entering employment in massive numbers and by 2025, we are going to make up almost 75% of the workforce.

Why should this matter to businesses?
We are unlike our preceding generations. A big challenge for many companies is learning how to effectively integrate and manage their younger employees in a workforce that was shaped by these older generations.

We view the world differently and are redefining what success means, in both our personal and professional lives.
The GenXers and Baby Boomers tend to view the world in a more linear style traveling from point A to point B. The millennials see life in a more circular design with multiple stops along the way.

We tend to get a bad rap by our older, more experienced peers. We are told we are lazy, entitled, and always connected to technology. If you have millennials in your office, you will notice this is not always the case. We’re enthusiastic about our jobs, we adapt to change, and are extremely technologically savvy.

We thrive on accessibility and quick and efficient communication.
We are accustomed to emailing our professors and texting our bosses. We’re good at multitasking. We are able to conduct research on Google while listening to our newest Spotify playlist and group chatting with our friends without a problem. We are unbelievable multi-taskers and continuous learners because that is all we have ever known.

It is no surprise we tend to clash with the older generations in the workplace, especially when it comes to management. While our elders value more of an individualistic approach, we crave collaboration and teamwork.

We yearn for managers who can help us grow in our lives and our careers. Most millennials would prefer their boss to serve more as a coach or a mentor rather than a context expert. We want to communicate with our bosses in a manner that allows us to speak freely and collaborate.

When employers learn how to effectively manage and engage their younger employees, their business will yield incredible results. We may have grown up in a digital world with constant reassurance and attention, but ultimately, we want the same things as the rest of the employees. We look for learning opportunities, meaningful work relationships, and to feel proud of the work we do and the company we work for.

When a company chooses to focus on engaging the needs of this generation, they are creating a better workplace for everyone.

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