
Why Is My Face Puffy In The Morning?

Waking up to a bloated face can be a frustrating start to the day. This common occurrence is caused by multiple factors, from your sleeping to dieting habits. Discover the possible culprits and explore tips for depuffing your face.

What Causes Puffy Face?
Facial puffiness is usually caused by fluid retention, which can stem from various factors.

Sleeping Too Little or Too Much
You might experience puffiness, especially when you are undersufficient or getting too much sleep. Lying down causes fluid to pool in your face, especially when you sleep facedown.

Not Removing Makeup
Sleeping with makeup on can cause allergic contact dermatitis, which leads to irritation, redness and puffiness in the face and eye area. If you have too many excuses not to remove your makeup before bed, this is your wake-up call to stop this unhealthy habit, no matter how busy and tired you are.

Eating Certain Foods
Midnight snacking sounds fun, but the effects can be visible the next morning. Eating salty foods and refined carbohydrates, such as processed meats, chips, ramen, french fries, alcoholic beverages and milk, might be the culprit behind your bloated face. It’s best to avoid indulging in these treats if you have a special occasion the next day.

Seasonal allergies can cause fluid retention. It happens when you inhale environmental allergens, such as pollen, grass or weeds. Allergies are a common condition, affecting over 50 million Americans yearly. Some individuals experience allergic rhinitis in the springtime due to tree pollen.

When dehydrated, the body absorbs more water and holds onto it, leading to puffiness. Several factors can contribute to dehydration, including excessive sweating and increased urination. You can also become dehydrated due to illness, such as fever, acute diarrhoea, bronchitis and bladder infection. Make sure to drink enough fluids before sleeping.

How to Prevent Puffiness
Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce or prevent the effects of face puffiness.

Do Cold Compress
This technique is a well-known skin care strategy for glowing skin. It can help counteract facial puffiness and help reduce inflammation by constricting the blood vessels. If you have rosacea, avoid applying anything too hot or cold to your face.

Reduce Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Take an antihistamine or allergy relief to help reduce symptoms. Some preventive measures include avoiding lawn mowing or gardening chores and using high-efficiency filters so allergens won’t enter your room while sleeping.

Drink More Water
Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water when you wake up. Your body is dehydrated when you wake up, causing body cells and tissues to hold onto your body’s remaining water, triggering puffiness.

Add Extra Pillow
Aside from getting enough sleep, adding an extra pillow under your head can help reduce facial puffiness the next day. Elevation helps keep fluid from accumulating in your face, especially the eye area. Make sure to do this without straining your neck.

Try Gua Sha
This ancient skin care tradition can help reduce facial bloating, soothe the skin and relieve facial tension. Add this practice to your morning routine and reap its benefits.

Say Goodbye to Puffy Face in the Morning
While facial puffiness is often harmless, these preventive tips can help you start your day more confidently. If you continue to experience severe or persistent swelling, consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues.

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