
We want our monies – Aggrieved Menzgold Customers

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria Kafui Ahiable

At a news conference today, aggrieved customers of defunct gold dealership company Menzgold, are demanding that government suspends the criminal prosecution of the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Nana Appiah Mensah popularly known as NAM1.

Nana Appiah Mensah

Spokesperson for Coalition of Aggrieved customers, Fred Forson reiterated the fact that they have no other interest in the prosecution and incarceration of NAM1 except to receive our locked-up investments hence the need for government to help the CEO retrieve all monies owed him in Dubai and other places.

They added that government must form a joint committee comprising Parliament, management of Menzgold and the customers to help in the retrieval and payment of locked-up funds.



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