
We have no intention of staging a coup — GAF

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has denied claims that it threatened to take over control of the country if the 2024 elections turned violent.

In a statement dated August 23, 2024, GAF said it had not held any press conference announcing an intention to stage a coup.

This is in response to a publication attributed to the Executive Director of the Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG), Dr Emmanuel Akwetey.

Dr Akwetey is alleged to have said that GAF had indicated at a press conference that it would take over the control of Ghana if election violence goes beyond the strength of the police service.

However, the statement said that GAF will only offer assistance to the police upon request.

“GAF has no intention to stage a coup and will prevent and resist any individual, group, or organization seeking to unlawfully take over the power of government, either acting alone or in collaboration with any security agency,” part of the statement read.

GAF further called on civil society groups and the media to refrain from using the military’s image to heighten political tension.

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) also assured the public of their commitment to ensuring the peace and safety of all citizens.

Below is the full statement 



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