
Watch video: ‘Someone killed my son’ – Mother of deceased suspect

The mother of the main suspect in the murder of Professor Emmanuel Yaw Benneh says she suspects someone killed her son, James Nana Womba.

The 26-year-old James Womba, who allegedly confessed involvement in the murder of law lecturer, is reported to have died around 10:15pm on Saturday at a police hospital in Accra.

Madam Talata Nona told journalists that the last time she saw her son was last week Monday and nothing showed that he was sick.

“It was possible he was poisoned because my son cannot die like that. He can’t just die, somebody killed him,” she said in tears.

Womba’s mother said although her son allegedly died last Saturday, she was only informed on Monday by four armed men from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at about 10:00am.

Mother of James Nana Womba, Talata Nona in the middle

“I was only informed by my son’s girlfriend called Veronica that Womba was unwell. I was told that somebody gave him fried rice. I think the fried rice might have been poisoned. My son might have been killed through food or some people were after his life.”

The mother of two said she would consult her lawyer to know the next line of action.

Watch the full interview below

ALSO READ: Suspect in Professor Benneh’s trial dies

                       The Inside story; University law lecturer murdered

                       Four suspects picked up

                       Cleaner confesses involvement in Prof Benneh’s murder


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