
Video: Remains of former President Rawlings laid in state

Day two of the funeral rite of former President Jerry John Rawlings commences with the remains of Ghana’s longest-serving President laid in state for the public to pay their last respect.

The body was placed in a glass cubicle at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) and guarded by four soldiers in line with military tradition.

The former President who was the Commander-in-chief of the Ghana Armed Forces from December 31, 1981, to January 7, 2001, died last year.

The remains will be there for two days – January 25 and 26, 2021- after which the burial service will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

The funeral was earlier scheduled for December 23, 2020, by the State but this upset the Anlo Traditional Council (ATC) which wanted to be consulted.

Former President Jerry John Rawlings died from an unknown illness on November 12, 2020. He died at 73.

Watch the live event below:

1 Comment
  1. Ernest Teye-Topey says

    Tribute To His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings, Ex-President of Ghana

    Oh! Oh! Oh! Your Excellency Jerry John Rawlings, affectionately called or referred to as J.J, Jerry, Papa J, Junior Jesus, Nuumueh, by most Ghanaians. I am honestly struggling to believe you have indeed left us at a time when we are beginning to love and enjoy you the more in your old age
    You were simply an embodiment of empathy for the vulnerable and ordinary masses, the fight against injustice and inequity, and for fairness, patriotism to a fault, probity and accountability, kindness, warmth, integrity, diligence, great charisma, discipline, humility, self-confidence, respect for fellow humans, and inspiration, among other positive attributes.
    You certainly must have made a lot of enemies as a direct consequence of the above combination of attributes, but I bet with my last pesewa, that you have passed on leaving at least 80% of Ghanaians who loved and adored you in terrible pain and shock, shattered by your sudden and expected demise.
    I believe for quite a number of us who were at least in our late teens when you burst unto the Ghanaian political scene, your positive attributes, as stated above, positively influenced our mindset, and lit a flame within us that continues to burn, and has undeniably shaped our perspectives towards life and country.
    Ghana certainly owes you so much for so many reasons, and because we cannot pay you for your contribution to our dear motherland, we can only say God richly bless you, rest in perfect peace, may your great soul continue to live on, and may you forever be remembered.
    We will miss you terribly, Papa J, and we will continue to keep you in our hearts. We salute you!

    Ernest Teye-Topey
    Executive Director
    Foundation for Behavioural & Attitudinal Change, (FOBAC) Ghana

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