
Video: Family caught red handed trying to bury a live baby girl

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

A family in Hyderabad, India have been busted for attempting to bury a baby girl alive in a hastily-dug pit.

This was after a taxi driver alerted the police. He had noticed the two men acting suspiciously with one of carrying a bag, while the other dug a hole not far from a bus stop.

In a video that has gone viral, a man is seen holding a bundled blanket while the other next to him digs a hole in the ground with his bare hands.

The 1:35 seconds video shows police officers approaching the suspects and confronting them.

During a confrontation with one of the suspects, he admitted that they had attempted burying the baby claiming she had died at a hospital earlier.

But immediately he made the statement, the baby begun to move under the blanket.

It was revealed that the man holding the baby in the bundled blanket is her grandfather.

He said that when he learned that his daughter had given birth to a girl at a nearby hospital, he and the rest of his family decided not to bring the baby home, the Daily Mail reported.

Both men were arrested and have been granted bail after their statements were taken.

The little girl was taken to the hospital for medical attention whiles investigations continue into the matter.

India is noted for its widespread infanticide of babies especially girls.

This is because they are seen as a financial burden due to the dowries which will be paid when they marry.

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