
US attack on Qasem Soleimani, social media users predict World War 3

Source The Ghana Report/Aba Asamoah

Iran’s most powerful military commander, General Qasem Soleimani, was killed by a US air strike in Iraq on Friday, January 3,2020.

The 62-year-old spearheaded Iranian military operations in the Middle East as head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.

He was killed at Baghdad airport, along with other Iran-backed militia figures, early on Friday in a strike ordered by US President, Donald Trump.

According to President Trump, the General was “directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of people”.

He said, the US killed commander Qasem Soleimani “to stop a war, not to start one”.

Soleimani’s killing marks a major escalation in tensions between Washington and Tehran.

In response, Iran has announced an $80million bounty on President Trump’s head.

The Iranian government has also said it will no longer abide by restrictions imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal, under which it agreed to limit its sensitive nuclear activities and allow in international inspectors in return for the lifting of economic sanctions.

Expressing their fears to these development, some social media users have predicted a possible World War 3.

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