
Thieves Raid Okuapeman SHS Computer Lab

Some thieves have managed to steal 14 computers belonging to the Visually Impaired Department of the Okuapeman Senior High School in the Akuapem North Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The alleged thieves as gathered embark on the operation during the Easter break at the School Laboratory by taking away 10 desktop computers, four laptops and a sound system used for the Oral English test during the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

A Police source who confirmed the incident said the stolen computers are the only gadgets the students use in training for internal and external West African Examination Council (WAEC) organised exams.

He explained that the stolen items are going to affect the preparation of students towards WASSCE and the conduct of the exams if not replaced in due time.

However, information gathered from the school indicated that several students do not know how to use Braille, and the computer is the only medium they are familiar with in writing exams.

“We are appealing to the government of Ghana, corporate institutions, churches and individuals to help the school with about 20 desktop computers, 10 laptops and a sound system by July to help students write the exams successfully,” a source said.

Meanwhile, the Headmaster of the school, Reverend Richard Koranteng Afari, when contacted only said the issue has been reported to the police and investigations are underway.

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