
There are huge opportunities in the tourism sector — Egyapa Mercer

The newly appointed minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Andrew Kofi Egyapa Mercer says there are huge opportunities within the tourism sector that can be beneficial to the state.

His appointment on February 14, 2024, was part of President Akufo-Addo’s significant cabinet reshuffle since his assumption of office in 2017.

The leadership of the governing New Patriotic Party(NPP) in 2023 called on the President to reshuffle his appointees to enable the party to “break the eight” in the 2024 general election.

Mr. Mercer, currently serving as the Deputy Minister for Energy in an interview expressed optimism on how he intends to contribute significantly to the tourism industry.

“It is a question of how best you apply yourself in what situation you find yourself in…and to that extent, I wouldn’t consider my movement from the Ministry of Energy as a relief due to day-to-day issues that you’re confronted with. To the Ministry Of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, I believe there are huge opportunities there,” he noted in an interview monitored by The Ghana Report on Citi Breakfast Show.

Recognizing the pivotal role tourism plays in the country’s economy, the Minister-designate expressed his commitment to working diligently to expand the sector.

He emphasized the significant impact tourism can have on economic growth and pledged to build on the efforts of those who have contributed to the sector’s success.

“We all know the role tourism can play and have played in our economy so I see it as an opportunity to do my best. Others have labored and we shared their glory so it’s up to us to exploit and add to their gains,” he stated.

Mr. Egyapa Mercer will be replacing Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, after the vetting and approval from the Parliament of Ghana.

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