
The perfect nail color to wear when your boyfriend proposes

Everyone knows we are in cuffing season and with Valentine’s Day around the corner, there is a chance your boyfriend will pop the question.

Are you seeing clear signs that your boyfriend might pop the question pretty soon? Is he acting all suspicious and asking to speak with your father? Then rush to the nail technician’s shop and get your nails done. We have a wedding to plan.

Girls, you know you want to take a picture and show off to all your friends, strangers online, enemies and exes that you have transitioned from being a Miss to a Mrs. That is why your nail polish matters.

Now, some people are big fans of claw-like nails but may we suggest that this is not the time for such nails, you don’t need something elaborate because it will detract from the big rock that would most likely be on your nails.

The best nail polish is the glazed doughnut look; this uses light hues of brown or nude and glossy over it. It’s simple and effective. Your nails look incredibly cute and with minimal designs, it doesn’t distract us from the big ring on your finger.

Also, the best nail shape is the conical shape, yes girls, leave the rectangular shape for when you are out having a good time with your friends.

That’s our verdict for the best nail for a wedding proposal; we hope you agree.


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