
The Meaning and Importance of Sanctity of Marriage

Do you enjoy hearing stories of your parents and grandparents as to how they found their true love and how they got married? Then you may be a firm believer of how sacred marriage is. The sanctity of marriage is viewed as a crucial aspect of one’s life.

Marriage isn’t just the unity of two individuals through paper and law but rather a covenant with the Lord.

If you do it just right, then you will have a God-fearing married life.

What is sanctity of marriage?

The definition of sanctity of Marriage means how it’s viewed by people since the olden days was derived from the holy bible where God himself established the unity of the first man and woman.

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). Then, God has blessed the first marriage, as we are all familiar with.

What is the sanctity of marriage according to the bible? Why is marriage considered holy? Jesus did confirm the holiness of marriage in the New Testament with the following words, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What, therefore, God hath joined together, let not man put apart” (Matt. 19:5).

Marriage is sacred because it’s the holy word of God, and he made it clear that marriage is supposed to be holy and should be treated with respect.

The sanctity of marriage used to be pure and unconditional. Yes, couples already faced challenges, but divorce wasn’t the first thing that would come to their mind.

Rather, they would seek each other’s help to make things work out and ask the Lord for guidance so that their marriage would be saved. But what about marriage today? Do you still see the sanctity of marriage today in our generation?

The main purpose of marriage

Heterosexual couple sitting together as woman lovingly touches his face

Now that the sanctity of marriage definition is clear, it is also important to understand the main purpose of marriage.

Today, many young adults would argue why people still want to get married. For some, they might even question the main purpose of marriage because typically, people get married because of stability and security.

Marriage is a divine purpose, it has meaning, and it’s just right that a man and a woman get married to be pleasurable in the sight of our Lord God. It aims to solidify the union of two people and fulfill another divine purpose – to have children raised as God-fearing and kind.

Sadly, the sanctity of marriage has lost its meaning over time and has been changed into a more practical reason for stability and weighing of properties and assets.

There are still couples who get married because of their love and respect not just with each other but with God himself.

To understand more about the meaning and purpose of marriage, watch this video.

What the Bible says about the sanctity of marriage

If you still value the sanctity of marriage and would still want to incorporate it in your relationship and future marriage, then bible verses about the sanctity of marriage will be a great way to remember how our Lord God loves us and his promise to us and our families. Here is what is said about the sanctity of marriage in the bible.

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”

– Proverbs 18:22

For our Lord God will never allow us to be alone, God has plans for you and your future. You just have to have faith and a firm responsibility that you are ready for a relationship.

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.”

– Ephesians 5:25-33

This is what our Lord God wants, for married couples to love one another unconditionally, to think like one and be one person dedicated to the teachings of God.

“You shall not commit adultery.”

– Exodus 20:14

One clear rule of marriage – one should never commit adultery under any circumstances because any act of infidelity won’t be directed to your spouse but with God. For if you sin to your spouse, you also sin to Him.

“What therefore God has joined together; let not man separate.”

– Mark 10:9

That whoever had been joined by the sanctity of marriage act will be as one, and no man can ever be separate them because, in the eyes of our Lord, this man and woman are now one.

Still, dreaming of that perfect or at the least ideal relationship surrounded by the fear of God? It’s possible – you just have to look for the people who have the same faith as you.

A clear understanding of the real meaning of the sanctity of marriage and how God can make your married life meaningful may be one of the purest forms of love not just with one another but also with our Lord God.

Importance of sanctity of marriage today
Why is the sanctity of marriage important? How do you define sanctity of marriage today? Or maybe, the right question is, does the sanctity of marriage still exist? Today, marriage is only for formality.

It’s a way for couples to show the world that they have their perfect partners and to show the world how beautiful their relationship is. It’s just so sad that most couples today decide to get married without the essential bond – that is, the guidance of the Lord.

Today, anyone can get married even without preparations, and some even do it for fun. They can also now get a divorce anytime they want as long as they have money, and today, it’s just sad to see how people use marriage so simply, not having any idea how sacred marriage is.

Therefore, it just becomes even more important to preserve the sanctity of marriage in today’s day and age.

An agreed statement on the sanctity of marriage
Couple exchanging rings at their wedding

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the agreed statement on the sanctity of marriage talks about its importance in today’s world, where lifestyles, changes in culture, and other factors have influenced the sanctity of marriage. You can read the full statement here.


The sanctity of marriage is a topic of debate in various societies, especially today. While each religion may define the sanctity of marriage differently, fundamentally the idea is more or less the same. It is essential to understand the sanctity of marriage and its importance.

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