
The Ghana Report foots bills of defiled 7-year-old girl

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Report Foundation has taken all medical bills for the seven-year-old girl who was defiled at Agona Nyakrom in the Central Region.

Though doctors at the Swedru Government Hospital confirmed to the girl’s(names withheld) parents that she had indeed been defiled,
her mother told theghanareport.com that the family could not raise GHc200 for a medical report demanded by the police to arrest the suspect.

But Chief Executive of I-Zar Group, publishers of theghanareport.com, Rashida Saani Nasamu, said The Ghana Report Foundation, a corporate social responsibility(CSR) wing of the portal, will foot all medical bills of the molested girl and follow the case to the end.
“We will foot all her medical bills and ensure that we pursue this case to a logical conclusion. It is unimaginable that a seven-year-old girl suffers this. “

Madam Rashida, further pledged to marshal all resources necessary to ensure the little girl and her family get justice.

Theghanareport.com has highlighted numerous disturbing social stories in the immediate past. To this end, it has come to the rescue of a few underprivileged children who needed help through the Ghana Report Foundation.


1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    Please it seems you are reporting only one side of the story because so far you have not reported any thing about the acuse person. Am from Nyakrom ZONGO and I now th e acused person verywell.Unfortunately am not in town.From what I now boy is not mentally sound due to that he has stop praying as a muslim. And I learnt that the mother of girl is his friend but said the boy does not give her so she will give problem. And the mother of the girl also have some mental problem so please take your time and go into matter well.Because it will be unfair to imprison somebody for what he has not down. The boy is also very poor.If he had done it then he has to face the law.So please make proper investigations be for coming up with your report.

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