
The best sleeping positions for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet challenging journey that brings many physical changes.

One of the most common concerns for expectant mothers is finding a comfortable sleeping position.

As the baby grows, it becomes harder to rest comfortably, and certain positions may be uncomfortable or even harmful. Let’s take a look at the most recommended sleeping positions for pregnant women and why they are beneficial.

One of the most recommended sleeping positions for pregnant women is sleeping on the left side.

This position improves blood circulation, allowing for optimal blood flow to the placenta and the baby. It also helps the kidneys efficiently remove waste and fluids from the body, reducing swelling in the legs and feet, which is common during pregnancy.

Sleeping on the left side also prevents the growing uterus from pressing on the liver, which is located on the right side of the abdomen. This is why doctors often advise pregnant women to favour the left side over the right.

As the pregnancy progresses, many women find that simply sleeping on their side isn’t enough to stay comfortable. To ease pressure on the back and support the growing belly, placing a pillow between the knees or under the belly can provide extra comfort.

Body pillows or specially designed pregnancy pillows are great tools that can help expectant mothers sleep better by keeping the spine aligned and reducing discomfort.

Some pregnant women may find it difficult to sleep flat on their sides due to discomfort, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. A semi-reclining position, where you prop yourself up with pillows at an angle, can be an excellent alternative. This position helps relieve pressure on the back and can also be helpful for those who suffer from acid reflux, a common issue during pregnancy.

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