Rise and shine!

How do you start your day?

Whether you consider yourself a morning person or you dread the sound of your alarm, there’s no getting around it – the way you spend your morning can have a significant impact on the rest of your day.

By being intentional and incorporating meaningful morning habits to set yourself up for success, you’ll find mornings easier to manage – and be in a better position to make the most of the hours that follow.

Not sure what morning habits can help you start your day off right?

Here are a few that can help boost your mood, find your focus, and set you on a productive path.

8 Best Morning Habits to Start Your Day

Not everyone is a morning person, but by adopting some of these best morning habits you can help to get your stay started off right.

1 – Wake up early.

While the idea of waking up earlier may initially be unappealing to some, hear me out.

Self-care should be part of your to-do list and can begin by getting up a little bit earlier in order to have a few minutes to yourself to slowly wake up to start your day.

By giving yourself enough time in the morning to truly wake up and ease into the day – as opposed to snoozing for as long as you can and frantically scrambling to get ready – you’ll find yourself in a much better place.

If you start your day with a sense of calm and relaxation, you can more easily carry those feelings throughout the rest of your day.

And by giving yourself time before you launch into your obligations and commitments, you can incorporate plenty of other healthy, mindful morning habits that will set you up for further success.

2 – Feel the sun on your face.

If waking up in the morning feels particularly challenging for you, this morning habit will definitely come in handy.

Incorporating a bit of natural sunlight into your morning routine is a great way to help regulate your circadian rhythm – the internal cycle that tells you when you should sleep and when it’s time to wake up.

It’s a great way to get some vitamin D and jumpstart your body for the day.

While getting outside and taking a walk around your neighborhood or enjoying coffee on the back patio is a great way to make this happen, simply opening your curtains and letting natural light fill your space will make a big difference.

Live somewhere that’s grey often? A happy light can help mimic the sun during the seasons when sunlight is nowhere to be found.

3 – Drink water.

Many of us are tempted to enjoy a big cup of coffee as the first beverage of our day. However, starting with water may be a better option.

Most people struggle to drink their recommended daily water intake, so getting a head start and enjoying a cool glass when you first wake up is a great way to make some progress toward that goal.

There are so many benefits of staying hydrated – clearer skin, better sleep, enhanced mood, and more. Make drinking water a part of your morning routine, and your body and mind will thank you.

If you don’t love plain water try adding lemon, lime, orange, or cucumber slices to it to mix things up.

4 – Get moving.

While many don’t love the idea of working out immediately after waking up, it’s smart to incorporate some form of movement into your morning routine for a few reasons.

If you struggle to wake up and start your day, moving your body in meaningful, intentional ways will help that. You’ll wake up your muscles, and in turn, your mind. By the end of your workout, chances are you’ll feel energized and ready to start the day.

Exercising in the morning is a great way to start the day with a sense of accomplishment, too. If you need a little motivation to tackle that to-do list and make progress toward your goals, a morning workout session can give you the boost you need to make it happen.

And if you work out at a gym? Working out early is a great way to beat the crowds. Whether you participate in fitness classes, jump on a treadmill, or lift weights, you’ll find fewer people in your way if you hit the gym before the day begins.

If the gym isn’t your thing and you prefer the outdoors, taking a walk can help you accomplish two of the best morning habits at once by getting sun while getting moving.

5 – Find your focus.

Another one of the best morning habits to incorporate into your routine is identifying what you need to accomplish that day.

Life can get overwhelming, and many of us are juggling a lot on our plates. By finding our focus and listing the most important things we need to achieve that day, we can keep feelings of overwhelm at bay and know where to direct our energy and attention.

There are a few different ways you can do this. If you keep a physical planner, see what’s on the agenda and ask yourself if you can reasonably accomplish it all. If not? Figure out what can be pushed until tomorrow and what needs to happen today.

No planner? Pull out a piece of paper or a note-taking app on your phone and do a quick brain dump of everything you need to do.

Highlight, circle, or otherwise identify the top three to five priorities. Consider how much time you have and how much time those things will take. Then put a plan into motion to make them happen.

It’s important to be realistic when you do this so that you’re setting yourself up for success for the day. By taking care of your top priorities first, you’ll ensure that you’re effectively planning your day.

6 – Do something you love.

Most of us save our hobbies and passions for later in the day. They’re something to do in the afternoon or evening, after work is done.

But why?

After you’ve finished work and handled all of your other obligations for the day, many of us are too tired or simply don’t have the time left to do the things we love.

By making those things a priority and incorporating them into your morning routine, you’ll ensure you get to enjoy them. And it can give your mood a little boost that’ll carry you through the day.

Love to read? Pick up your latest book as you enjoy your morning coffee and get through a chapter or two.

Love to paint? Set aside 30 minutes at the start of your day and work on your latest project.

Love to bake, ride bikes, rock climb, swim, or write? Pretty much everything you love to do can be incorporated into your morning routine, as long as you’re willing to wake up a little earlier to make it happen.

7 – Make your bed.

Making your bed is considered a great morning habit to incorporate into your day for a few reasons.

It’s quick and relatively low effort. It should only take a minute or two for you to straighten out your covers and fluff your pillows.

And by completing this one simple task shortly after waking, you’ll help build that momentum that’ll carry you through your day. That sense of accomplishment can help increase your productivity.

And if you’re someone who’s tempted to lay back down to get a few more minutes of sleep? Making your bed will make it a little less tempting to crawl back under the covers – because you’ll have to make it again when you get back up.

But you should be aware that there is a case to be made for not making your bed first thing in the morning. Apparently, dust mites thrive in a warm environment, so it’s better to leave the sheets exposed to air and sunlight for a bit before making it.

Making your bed is a simple habit to adopt in your home that can help your day get off on the right foot.

8 – List at least 3 things you’re grateful for.

One of the best morning habits that can make the biggest difference in your life is reflecting on three things you’re grateful for each day.

By intentionally focusing on the good, you’ll improve your mindset throughout the day.

Listing your gratitudes can be as easy as noticing some of the simple joys in life and writing them down.

Or if you want to take it a step further, use these gratitude prompts in a journal to reflect on some of the things you’re thankful for.

Beginning the day with this practice will help to set the tone for your entire day. When you intentionally look for things to be grateful for, you’ll begin to form a habit of gratitude. And that is one of the very best morning habits to develop in your life.

Which of the best morning habits will YOU incorporate into your day? Leave a comment and let me know!

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