The 36 Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code All Women Need To Live By
Girl Code refers to the unwritten rules all women follow with their closest friends. It has many actions that should never make our girlfriends question our loyalty.
The Girl Code is the ultimate list of rules of ethics we follow that could essentially make or break a relationship.
These are the unofficial rules and friendship commandments of the girl code:
1. Wait Until Your Friend is In Their House Before You Drive Away
Safety always comes first!
2. Tell A Girl Her Outfit Has a Malfunction or If It Looks Bad
The truth hurts, but your friends need to hear it.
3. Be The Amazing Photographer You Wish You Had
Seriously, your girlfriends always appreciate good photos!
4. Never Go After Your Friends Crush or Ex
The ultimate betrayal. How could you even think of doing that?
5. If You Arrive Together, You Leave Together
It is so morally wrong when girls don’t follow this rule. Unless you’re leaving with family, your friends will frown on you leaving without them.
6. Always Check-In on Your Friend While They’re on a First Date
Especially if it’s a Tinder or Bumble date. You can never be too safe!
7. Never Let Your Girlfriend Go to The Washroom Alone in Public
You never know when your friend will need backup in that department.
8. Rescue Any Girl You See Being Annoyed By a Creepy GuyI don’t care if you have to tackle that creeper like a linebacker or pretend to be your friend’s girlfriend. Never, ever let a woman experience this!
9. Boost Every Woman’s Confidence
Empowered women empower women.
10. Tell a Girl If Her Man Is Cheating On Her
It’s the #1 rule of the Girl Code.
11. Help Your Girl Send Angry Texts To Her Man
You’ve got a problem with your guy? Let me help you solve it in a long-ass text message. We’ve got to fight this battle together.
12. Always Take Her Side… Regardless of Who She’s Up Against
Never forget whose team you’re on.
13. Assist in the Change Room At All Times When Shopping
You shouldn’t even think about it; you just do it!
14. Always Seek Permission Before Hitting on Your Friend’s Relatives
They might be low-key cute, but you can never, ever make a move unless your bestie says so.
15. If Your BFF’s Torn About Getting Something They Deserve, Give Her Guidance
Your fave girls deserve the world!
16. If You Have an Extra Tampon, Help a Sister Out
You’d want someone to help you if you had a tampon situation, so you should do the same for your friends. We’ve all been able to relate to this at one point or another!
17. Always Be There When Your Friend Needs You After a Break-up
You’re probably going to be more heated about the breakup than she is, too. No one messes with your girl!
18. Do Your BFF’s Parents Proud And Protect Her
Her parents will love you even more for looking out for their little girl.
19. Be a Good Wingwoman
If you see a honey worthy enough of your best friend, work your magic, girlfriend!
20. Continually Insult Your Bestie to Remind Her You Love Her
Is she really your best friend if the two of you don’t tease each other?
21. If You Suspect That Another Woman Is Hanging Around Your Friend’s Man, Tell Your Friend
Female intuition is strong and we know how other women are. We will let their intentions known.
22. Defend Your Friends In Their Absence
A friend is not a friend unless you defend them in their absence.
23. Never Ditch Your Friends For a Boy
Never! There are no excuses for this one.
24. Always Keep Their Secrets Safe
The only time you should break this rule is if your friend’s in danger, and someone else needs to know to help save them.
25. Never Abandon A Drunk Friend
Never leave a friend behind! This is one of the biggest Girl Code no-nos.
26. Speak Up If You’re Concerned About Your Friend’s New Friend’s Intentions
We all have our suspicions…
27. If Someone Breaks Your Friend’s Heart, Kill Them
Don’t go to jail for committing murder, but still, do some serious damage. Your best friend is worth it!
28. Even if You Don’t Agree With Your Best Friend’s Relationship, Stand By Her
I know, it’s hard to hold your tongue, but you’re a great friend for always supporting your #1.
29. Don’t Forget To Remind Your Friend of Your Bond When You Need To
Sometimes we forget how much our friends appreciate us, and we need them to reassure us that they love us, even though we know where they stand in our lives.
30. Be Any Girls Security Guard When Trouble Arise
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know her, if you see any woman uncomfortable because of a man or someone else, help her. I know I said it before, but this rule is so important it’s worth mentioning twice.
31. Always Show Your Friends That You Appreciate Them
You aren’t best friends unless you’re drunk and slurring, “You ma best friend.”
32. Don’t Be Afraid to Vent to Your Bestie And Let Them Vent to You
You’re not just her best friend; you’re also her therapist (and a darn good one at that!)
33. If Your Best Friend Has a Reason to Hate Someone, So Do You
Bye, girl!
34. Celebrate Their Successes Like They’re Your Own
I mean, you’re like the same person anyway, so celebrating your friend still benefits you.
35. Don’t Let a Girl Walk Into a Stall Without Toilet Paper
We’ve all been there.
36. Grab Your Friend’s Phone When Necessary
Especially if alcohol is involved, intervene. We don’t need our friends to get away with sending nudes, drunk texts or “I Miss You” messages.
Never forget that your girls are always #1! If you follow most, if not all, of these, congratulations. You are a damn good friend and your friends are lucky to have you! Give yourself a pat on the back and a glass of wine (because there’s never a bad time for wine).