
Test all students before schools are reopened – GNAT

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has called for mass testing of all students and teachers before they are allowed entry into schools when they reopen.

The National President of the association, Phillipa Larson, believed mass testing teachers and students for COVID-19 would go a long way to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

“We’re saying that all teachers and learners should be tested before allowed entry into the schools. At least when that is done, everybody will know his or her status,” she said.

President Akufo-Addo in his 10th televised address to the nation announced that final year students in the university, senior high and junior high schools, could return to school from June 15 to prepare for their exit exams.

Despite the green light to resume school, the president added that must be done while adhering to COVID-19 safety protocols, such as social distancing and the wearing of masks.

Meanwhile, the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) has also backed calls for mass testing for lecturers and students prior to schools reopening on June 15.

Its National President, Professor Charles Marfo said “…seriously, if we are going to go with this, I don’t know what the strategies are going to be now, we are waiting for the education minister to get in touch with us.

“But I think its a great suggestion, it would have been better if we had mass testing. I know it’s going to be costly, but if that is what we have to pay to proceed why not?” he said.



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