
Takoradi: BNI takes over kidnapped girls case

The Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) has taken over investigations into the circumstances surrounding the kidnapping of three girls in Takoradi, according to the Western Regional police command.

Ghana and security agencies in the United Kingdom and the USA are already collaborating to find the kidnapped girls.

The lead suspect Sam Udoetuk Wills who broke cell after his initial arrest accused a police officer, Detective Ahmed Temeh of aiding his escape.

Sam Udoetuk Wills, escaped from police custody on December 30, 2018, but was subsequently rearrested at Nkroful.

He is being tried for breaking jail but is yet to divulge any meaningful information could lead to the girls’ rescue.

The girls who were kidnapped have been identified as Ruth Quayson, Priscilla Blessing Bentum and Priscilla Koranchie.

They are believed to have been kidnapped between August 2018 and January 2019.

The Western Regional Police Command has set up a committee to investigate claims by the suspect that he was aided by an officer of the CID but the committee is yet to arrive at a solution.

The families of the victims have been outraged by claims that the police may have been working with the main suspect in the kidnapping.

Residents in the metropolis have voiced concern with the pace at which investigations have progressed.

Some groups have held protests and have also petitioned the President and the Sekondi Regional Coordinating Council over the case.

Aside from the main suspect, some other arrests have been made in the course of the investigations. But these arrests did not result in any substantive leads.

About eight persons were arrested in the Eastern Region over the kidnapping during a swoop by the regional command in the Lower Manya Krobo municipality of the Eastern Region.

Source: citinewsroom

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