
Streetism, a threat to national peace and security

In the bustling streets of our cities, amidst the cacophony of urban life, lies a silent crisis that threatens the very fabric of our society.

It is a crisis born out of poverty, neglect, and systemic failures — a crisis known as Streetism. While often overlooked, the phenomenon of streetism poses a significant threat to national peace and security, perpetuating a cycle of marginalization, violence, and social unrest.

Streetism, or the phenomenon of children living and working on the streets, is a multifaceted issue with far-reaching consequences. These children, often referred to as street children or street youth, face a myriad of challenges, including homelessness, lack of access to education and healthcare, exploitation, and abuse. Without adequate support systems in place, they are vulnerable to recruitment by criminal gangs, involvement in illicit activities, and exploitation by unscrupulous individuals.

The link between streetism and national peace and security cannot be overstated. At its core, streetism is a symptom of deeper societal issues such as poverty, inequality, and inadequate social services. When children are forced to live on the streets, they are denied their basic rights and opportunities for a better future. This deprivation breeds resentment and disillusionment, fueling feelings of alienation and disenfranchisement among marginalized communities.

Moreover, streetism serves as a breeding ground for criminal activity and violence. Without proper supervision or protection, street children are easy targets for exploitation by criminal networks. They may be coerced into drug trafficking, prostitution, or other illicit activities, perpetuating a cycle of violence and insecurity in our communities. In addition, their presence on the streets can contribute to social disorder and tensions, further destabilizing already fragile environments.

Addressing the underlying causes of streetism is crucial for promoting national peace and security. This requires a comprehensive approach involving social, economic, and policy interventions to tackle the factors pushing children onto the streets. Investing in education, healthcare, and social services for marginalized communities is key to offering alternatives to street life and breaking the cycle of poverty.

Moreover, efforts to combat streetism should prioritize the protection and well-being of street children. This involves enhancing child protection systems, offering safe shelters and rehabilitation services, and implementing policies that prioritize the welfare of the child. It also involves addressing the stigma and discrimination faced by street children to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect.

Additionally, effective strategies to address streetism and its impact on national peace and security require collaboration among government agencies, civil society organizations, and communities. Through collective efforts, comprehensive approaches can be developed to tackle the root causes of streetism, provide support and opportunities for street children, and create safer and more inclusive communities.

In summary, streetism poses a significant challenge to national peace and security, with wide-ranging implications for society. By addressing the root causes that lead children to the streets and offering support and opportunities to those affected, we can work towards a more just and peaceful future for everyone.

  • nutsukafui@gmail.com

The writer is a staff of the Information Services Department and the Assistant Public Relations Officer at the National Peace Council

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