
Withhold CETAG members’ July salaries – GTEC directs Controller

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) has directed the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) to withhold the salaries of members of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) for July 2024.

In a letter dated July 22, 2024, GTEC stated that this is because CETAG has refused to comply with orders to end its week-long strike.

It also asked principals of the various colleges not to validate the salaries.

The directive will affect the teaching staff of all the Colleges of Education.

“At the instance of the Minister of Education on the non-adherence of CETAG members to call off an illegal strike from June 2024, you are by this letter requested to stop the salaries of all teaching staff of the Colleges of Education except for the College Principals for July 2024.

“By this letter, College Principals are not to validate the July 2024 salaries of all teaching staff,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, the leadership of CETAG has warned it will resist any illegal attempts to freeze members’ salaries.

They have also vowed to intensify the indefinite strike until the arbitral award and negotiated service conditions are implemented.

They insist that their strike is legal and accused the National Labour Commission (NLC) of misinforming the public about its actions.

It will be recalled that CETAG declared an indefinite strike on Friday, June 14, 2024, due to the government’s delay in implementing the National Labour Commission’s (NLC) Arbitral Award Orders and negotiated service conditions.

A day later, the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) ordered CETAG to suspend the strike.

READ ALSO: Return To The Classroom – GTEC Orders CETAG

The FWSC characterised CETAG’s action as a betrayal of trust, especially considering the government’s attempts to resolve their issues.

After some days, the National Labour Commission (NLC) announced its decision to sue the government to enforce its arbitral award orders in favour of CETAG.

Below is the letter from GTEC


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