
‘Stop intimidating women contesting elections’

Source GNA

Mrs Josephine Bediako aspiring assembly member for Duayeden electoral area in the Nsawam/Adoagyiri district has called on the public to stop intimidating women contesting in elections.

According to the aspirant, on several occasions, she had received life-threatening messages and her posters had been defaced.

Speaking in an interview with the GNA under its “Women’s Profile”, Mrs Bediako said such intimidation was a disincentive to women’s participation in local governance.

She said it was high time a policy was made to support women contesting in all levels of elections including the District Local Election (DLE) to whip up the interest of more women into governance and politics.

Mrs Bediako, a prisons officer said she when given the nod she would partner with the district assembly to institute measures to curb the rate of school drop-outs especially among girls leading to teenage pregnancies in the area.

She said for the girl child to become empowered and self-reliant, there must be a support system to ensure that she was retained in school and called on the electorate to vote massively for her to realize her vision.

The aspirant who is contesting with a male is optimistic that she would carry the day and has appealed to all women to go out and vote for her.

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