
Stingy boyfriend? Here are 3 ways to turn that around

If your boyfriend isn’t much of a giver or sharer, here’s what to do.

Couples giving and receiving gifts and other tangible, valuable things is a well-established relationship dynamic.

And here’s why: no relationship thrives without sharing – and this goes beyond the things you can see and touch.

Partners need to be able to give each other a corresponding amount of effort, respect, attention, love, affection… and yes, as many material things as each one can afford.

So if you are in a relationship with a guy who has problems sharing, especially material things, you are not overreacting by feeling uncomfortable with such behaviour.

And if you’re wondering how to deal with this, we have the answers below

If you are dating a man who does not attach a lot of importance to sharing and generosity, these are steps you need to take to turn that around.

If you are dating a man who does not attach a lot of importance to sharing and generosity, these are steps you need to take to turn that around.

This is how to cope with a stingy boyfriend or husband
Do any of these if your boyfriend or husband is certified stingy.

1. Talk to him about it

This is the first base of almost all relationship issues. Sometimes people do some wrong things, not with the intention to hurt, but because they think it is the right thing to do.

By refusing to say anything and pretending all is fine when it’s not, you are not giving him the chance to know how you feel about his lack of sharing.

So whether it is his stinginess or even something else, do not hesitate to talk to him about it first and give him the opportunity to turn a new leaf.

It’s great to not be dependent on a man but it’s OK to realise that sharing is pretty nice in a relationship, too.

It’s great to not be dependent on a man but it’s OK to realise that sharing is pretty nice in a relationship, too.

2. Give him stuff

There’s also something to be said for ‘leading by example.’

In the present case, look for things he needs, the gifts he’ll find most useful, and then give him as much of that as you can find.

One of the ways to teach people how to relate with you is to relate with them in that same manner. Of course, it does not mean that they will get the clue and treat you like that, too; but it’s a step worth taking. Hopefully, your man gets the point.

A happy relationship is not just one wherein partners share feelings and emotions. They share resources, too.

A happy relationship is not just one wherein partners share feelings and emotions. They share resources, too.

3. Hope you’re making your own money?

You’re not asking for too much if you want a man to share material things with you. And especially if your love language is receiving gifts, that statement becomes a lot more accurate.

However, it is important to know that if this is the kind of relationship you want, you should not just be willing to spend that money on him or shower him with gifts and material things, you need to actually be able to.

Making your own money and being able to afford gifts for him gives the relationship a feeling of mutuality rather than parasitism.

Having said that, it is important to note that a stingy boyfriend and a broke boyfriend are not the same.


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