
Some MPs test positive for COVID-19

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has disclosed that some Members of Parliament have tested positive for COVID-19.

Though the identities of those infected are not known, the Speaker advised all MPs to strictly adhere to the safety protocols to avoid the spread of the novel virus.

“Even in the House, some members are afflicted by the Covid-19. You may not know who the person is and because of the protocol issues of confidentiality, we are not disclosing those who are now Covid-19 victims. But we have some of us in that category,” he said.

Mr. Bagbin made the revelation following a three-day health screening exercise organized for the law makers.

Despite the presence of the medical team for the exercise, Mr. Bagbin says over 60 parliamentarians have refused to avail themselves for the test.

“We arranged with the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research to use three days and the three days are over but I am reliably informed that a number of our members have not yet taken the opportunity to either do the screening or to even undergo the Covid-19 test.

“Honorable members, I humbly urge that you all take this opportunity seriously and go test by the end of today,” he appealed on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

But addressing the House today (Friday), Alban Bagbin said he is displeased with the continuous refusal of some MPs to undergo the testing which he says is mandatory.

“My directive that all members subject themselves to the test has not yet been complied with by over 60 Members of Parliament.

“It is true as the Majority Leader has just stated that we are not all safe. And so members should take the protocols seriously. In fact when I was entering I myself had to signal some members to respect the physical distancing.”

In March 2020, some MPs tested positive for the virus after a medical screening was conducted in the legislature.

Their identities were, however, not disclosed.

At the time, two law makers were reported to have tested positive for the virus and asked to isolate.

13 parliamentary service staff were reported to have also tested positive for the virus.

Meanwhile, the latest update from the Ghana Health Service has revealed that the country recorded 625 new COVID-19 cases.

The latest update brings the country’s active case count to 3, 940 from a total of 63, 883 case count.

13 new deaths were recorded, bringing the death toll to 390.

There have been growing concerns over the rising COVID-19 cases.

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