
Secret recruitment claims untrue – Immigration service

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

The Ghana Immigration Service has debunked allegations that it is secretly recruiting some personnel into the service.

The minority in Parliament alleged that government is secretly enlisting party members into the country’s security services.

MP for Builsa North, James Agalga, said these recruits are being secretly taken through processes to join the Ghana Police Service, Prison Service and Immigration Service.

But the Ghana Immigration service in a statement signed by its Head of Public Affairs, Supt. Michael Amoako-Atta said it is not conducting any such secret recruitment.

According to the service, it is only conducting a screening exercise to choose prospective applicants from its backlog of applicants.

“the truth of the matter is that, the service is currently conducting a screening exercise to select prospective applicants from its backlog who applied to join the service during its 2017/2018 recruitment exercise” the statement said.

It further noted that the exercise is being conducted through a financial clearance by the ministry of finance.

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