
Revenue generation: “I intend to visit ports to assess issues on corrupt activities”-Amin Adam

Source The Ghana Report

New Finance Minister Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam says he intends to visit some ports across the country to assess first-hand issues on corrupt activities.

He contends that the move is to help weed out corrupt activities at the ports.

This comes after several reports of the corrupt activities of some port officials.

Dr Amin Adam indicated that he has personally confirmed some of these activities and is willing to work to reduce the menace.

“Commissioner-General, as you may be aware, the perception of corruption in the ports or trade and entry remains very high. I have seen reports that tend to confirm some of these perceptions. And I know you all have received similar reports. We continue to lose revenue through the actions and inactions of clearing agents, shipping companies, and some of our own customs officials.”

“I personally intend to visit the ports, together with some of your officers to engage and assess for myself some of the issues first-hand,” he said

He bemoaned the rate at which this is affecting revenue generation in Ghana, hence stalling critical projects.

He entreated the Ghana Revenue Authority to work collectively with other key sectors of the economy to rake in more revenue.

“We need you to continue to instill discipline and minimize revenue leakages through misdescriptions, misclassification, and over and under-invoicing. I assure you and your team of my strong support”.

“We are here to serve a country and that is our utmost priority. If it has to do with increasing revenue, do not hesitate to reach out to me or my team at the Ministry”, he added.

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