
Reliving 21 years ago armed robbery attack on me and my family

Twenty-one years ago today, my family and I were attacked by armed robbers

I was badly injured in the process. A gun was pointed at my then three-month-old son, while my wife pleaded for his life. She caught pellets in her arms.

But all around us, people stood up to support us. In what ultimately showed us the good humanity can do,

Members of Livingstone House then organised on a Yahoo group, took us to the hospital – at 4 am; they gave me what was at the time a substantial amount of money; a new phone to immediately replace what had been taken; helped us fix up our house; drove me to see my then living parents, etc

It was the only time ever, I saw my father cry, as he took his grandson from me and looked at my bandages.

My mother also took my son too, and in a turn of events that moves me even today, asked us to close our eyes so we could pray.

When she prayed, she fervently asked God to give the people who had attacked us, meaningful jobs, so they would not hurt anyone else.

From everywhere: The Union, Unilever, Church, everywhere, support poured in.

We give thanks. Today, by God’s grace we have much more than the thieves could have taken. Never fear.

God kept us alive for a reason. Every day since we try to find it and live it. However imperfectly.

There may be some bad people on earth. But there are also many good, kind people.

We give thanks. When you survive such an ordeal, you stop seeing life as a contest for the popular vote. You just live your truth. Until the sun goes down for you, someday, for the very last time.

Aluta continua.

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