
Rebirth of MzVee: Set to release new song on January 9

Source The Ghana Report/Aba Asamoah

Ghanaian musician MzVee is back with a bang

She has announced on her Instagram page a set date, January 9, for the release of her new song ‘Sheriff’.

The singer has been off the music scene for almost 2 years battling with depression.

“2019 was more of a self-finding, rejuvenation, positive thinking and self-actualization year for me because for about two years, 2017,2018 I was super depressed and that affected my work and people I worked with” she said in an interview with TV3 monitored by The Ghana Report.

Fans of the “Sing my name” hitmaker, MzVee, have expressed satisfaction to the news as many have long-awaited for her comeback.

She shared a post on her Instagram page with the caption, “Are you ready!!!?? NEW MUSIC OUT ON 09/01/2020 !! #sheriff ”

MzVee parted ways with Lynx Entertainment on a “mutual termination” in 2019 after months of being inactive in the music scene. According to MzVee, she is signed to new management (team) which is not a record labeled.


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Are you ready!!!?? NEW MUSIC OUT ON 09/01/2020 !! #sheriff 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 @pinklaneproject_ @alphaphimuzik @jusadementor @rockdaviscom

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