
Provide for the needy – Akufo-Addo urges Ghanaians in Christmas message

Source The Ghana Report

President Nana Akufo-Addo has urged Ghanaians to assist in feeding those in need during the festive season.

According to him, Christ was born to reconcile man to God and demands of his children to, among others, “love our neighbours as ourselves”.

“Let us all celebrate the season safely and responsibly and remember to help those who are less fortunate than our selves. Let each one of us do our bit to help feed those who are hungry and offer comfort to those in need.

“Let us take the time to gather, love, listen and learn from each other and to remember that with the help of God, we can overcome any challenge, achieve any future of which we can dream,” the President said in his message to mark Christmas which is being observed throughout the world today”.

He added, “ The celebration of Christmas provides us with an opportunity, once again, to reaffirm our faith, hope and trust in almighty God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Imbibe in us a deeper appreciation of hope in times of adversity and triumph over uncertainty”.

President Akufo-Addo further entreated Ghanaians to follow the path of Christ.

“The cardinal principles of Christianity- charity, faith, humility, love and reconciliation should guide us in this festive season and beyond”.

Read the full message below:

For onto us, a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the greatness of his government and peace, there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.

For us as christians, these words expressed by the prophet Isaiah bring glad tidings of great joy to our hearts.

The celebration of christmas provides us with an oppportunity once again, to reaffirm our faith, hope and trust in almighty God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Imbibe in us a deeper appreciation of hope in times of adversity and triumph over uncertainty.

Christ was born to reconcile man to God and demands of us his children, to love the Lord our God with all heart with all our souls and all our minds and love our neighbours as ourselves. The cardinal principles of christianity- charity, faith, humility, love and reconciliation should guide us in this festive season and beyond.

Fellow Ghanaians, I am particulary glad that our nation has turned the corner following three difficult years, we and indeed, the world have faced. Inflation is being reigned in, we are experiencing a relatively stable exchange rate, and growth in our economy is rebounding.

We continue to attract investments, domestic and foreign, reinforcing our position as the gateway to Africa and we remain a beacon of democracy, peace and stability in Africa. The country is not yet completey out of the woods, but there is a growing confidence that with hard work and determination, Ghana will make it and collectively, we will secure our future.

In this period, as we open our country up to the thousands and thousands of visitors who are celebrating christmas with us- ‘December in GH’, now being a global event, I appeal to you, to exhibit at all times, the proverbial Ghanaian hospitality for which we are famed. Let us leave a positive lasting impression on them, which will help ensure that our country’s tourism potential is enhanced for the benefit of our nation’s socio-economic and cultural growth.

Next year is an important year in our democratic journey. We will hold on 7th December 2024, the 9th general election in the history of the Fourth Republic, which has witnessed the longest period of stable constitutional governance in our entire history. We all have a duty to conduct ourselvs in such a manner that we have a free, fair and transparent election that will enable the Ghanaian people choose in peace amd serenity, the person and persons who will manage affairs on their behalf for the next four years.

I am confident that yet again, Ghanaians will rise to the occasion and reinforce the status of Ghana as the bastion of democracy on the African continent. For my part, I will always be grateful to almighty God and to you the Ghanaian people for allowing me to serve you.

I remain committed to the mandate you freely gave me. I will use the last year of my stay in office, to do all in my power to continue to help create a free and prosperous nation of opportunities where every Ghanaian child, no matter the circumstances of his or birth, has a fair chance to strive for a happy and dignified life and realise his or her aspirations.

Where we can unleash the sense of enterprise, creativity and innovation of the Ghanaian people, so that together, we can build a progressive, prosperous Ghana whose citizens live in harmony and security in fulfilment of the dreams of the Founding Fathers of the nation.

Let us all celebrate the season safely and responsibly and remember to help those who are less fortunate than our selves. Let each one of us, do our bit to help feed those who are hungry and offer comfort to those in need. Let us take the time to gather, love, listen and learn from each other and to remember that with the help of God, we can overcome any challenge, achieve any future of which we can dream.

On behalf of the government, my wife Rebecca the First Lady, my daughters, grandchildren and family, I extend warmest of greetings of the seasons and best wishes to all Ghanaian for a happy and prosperoaus new year. May God bless us all and our homeland Ghana and make us great and strong.

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