
Pregnant Ghanaian Student Left Homeless on Toronto Streets

Source The Ghana Report

A distressing situation is unfolding in Toronto, Canada, where a Ghanaian woman, eight months pregnant and stranded on the streets, is desperately seeking assistance from fellow Ghanaians.

The woman, who travelled to Canada for studies, found herself homeless after being evicted by church members she was staying with after the discovery of her pregnancy.

According to Maame Pokuah, a Ghanaian resident of Toronto who shared the story, the woman had hidden her pregnancy for months but was eventually forced out onto the streets.

With no support system and nearing delivery, the woman is contemplating suicide due to the extreme hardship she faces.

Fellow Ghanaians, particularly those in Canada, are being called upon to provide temporary accommodation for the woman, ensuring she can deliver her baby safely and return to Ghana afterwards.

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