
Posthumous letter to Justice Samuel Kofi Marful Sau, JSC

My Lord,

Today is the one-week commemoration of your unexpected passing.

I have still not come to terms with the fact that you are no longer with us on this side of life. It may sound cliche to say that a dead man was a good man, but your lordship, many will agree with me that you were a good man, and many more will agree that among good men you were outstanding.

I am grateful to have had the honour and privilege of engaging and interacting with you as your student and mentee, albeit for a short time. The first time we met was when you were introduced to my class as the substitute civil procedure lecturer. You were an approachable and patient lecturer. Your practical teaching style endeared you to all who sat under your tutelage. The class will forever fondly remember how you started every illustration in class with the names of the two students who sat directly in front of you, ‘Fidel (which you pronounced fidaaaal) and Comfort’.

When I was elected president of the Ghana School of Law Students’ Representative Council(SRC), my predecessor, Sammy Gyamfi, and his Vice, Wilberforce, described you as someone passionate about legal education. Indeed during my tenure as SRC President, I found that testimony to be true of you, and I counted on your advice and guidance in advocating for reforms to Legal Education in Ghana.

My Lord, thank you once again for graciously accepting all our invitations to Ghana School of Law SRC events. Two occasions where we were honoured with your presence that stood out were the Carols Night and the Law Christian Fellowship breakfast meeting, where you preached the sermon: “As a judge I have evidence that God is real”. Though this sermon only became popular posthumously, I believe I do not speak for myself only when I say that the testimony of your life and walk with God had a significant impact on the lives of all of us who listened to you that day.

As your mentee, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to join your secretariat as an intern. You encouraged and loved legal discourse, and would listen to me passionately defend my interpretation of the law before skillfully demolishing or improving every legal argument I put up. My internship went beyond the law to a full-blown life mentorship. You advised me, you directed me, you encouraged me and most importantly you prayed with me. I will miss those office moments when you and Justice Dotse shared with Dziedzorm and me your experiences as students and practitioners. I remember your uplifting and encouraging words at the law school car park on one of my low days as a student leader. Your encouragement that day was God sent and gave me the strength I needed to persevere.

Justice Samuel Kofi Marful Sau, the greatest lesson out of the many I have learnt from you is to impact lives at whatever level I find myself. You will forever remain in my heart. May God preserve you in his bosom.

Rest in peace My Father, My friend, My Lecturer, My Mentor and My Lord.

Papa, Damirefa due!
Due ne Amanehunu!

Your Son,
Emmanuel K O Amoah(Kobby)

Kobby Amoah (SRC President, Ghana School of Law, 2018-2019)

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