
Police still viewed as most corrupt in Ghana – Report

Ghanaians still believe the Police Service is the most corrupt institution in Ghana, according to the 2019 Global Corruption Barometer.

The report notes that 59 percent of Ghanaians feel this way, with judges and magistrates viewed as the second most corrupt institution per 38 percent of Ghanaians.

The survey was executed by Afrobarometer in 34 countries and covered 47,105 adults between 2016 and 2018.

Non-Governmental Organisations and religious leaders came out of the survey with better credibility as only 14 percent and 17 percent of Ghanaians respectively view them as corrupt.

Of the top ten institutions surveyed, which police, judges and magistrates, Ghanaians feel they have become less corrupt over the last four years.

The police, for example, were viewed as corrupt by 64 percent of Ghanaians in 2015.

60 percent of Ghanaians feel the Akufo-Addo administration is doing a good job of fighting corruption, a massive jump from four years ago, where only 25 percent of Ghanaians felt the government at the time was putting up a good fight against corruption.

Thirty-three percent of Ghanaians feel corruption has increased in the last 12 months while 36 percent say corruption has decreased in the last 12 months.

The report was launched by the Ghana Integrity Initiative today, Thursday where it urged the government to adequately resource key anti-corruption institutions.

“There must be a monitoring framework in place and enforced to ensure that these institutions live up to expectation,” the programmes manager at GII, Mary Addah, said.

“We are recommending that the state should increase efforts towards educating citizens on the Whistleblower Act. Civil society is doing its best but the state should be seen to be doing a lot of education,” she added.

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