
Police finally release ACP Agordzor after 48-hour delay

Source The Ghana Report/Seth J. Bokpe

ACP Dr Benjamin Agodrzor can now breath some air of freedom even if its temporary as the Police finally produces him before the Accra High Court to sign his bail bond.

He was released at 11 am on Thursday after the High Court wrote to the Inspector General of Police, Mr. James Oppong-Boanuh, to produce the senior police officer accused of treason felony before the court.

Although the court, presided over by Justice Charles Ekow Baiden, had granted the high-ranking police officer GHc 500,000 self-recognisance bail on Tuesday, as of Wednesday evening, he was still in police custody.

His angry brother Cephas Agordzo on Wednesday accused the police of deliberately keeping his brother more than 24 hours after the High Court granted bail.

But 24 hours later, he told theghanareport.com that the court ordered that police bring the high-ranking police officer to court to sign his bail bond as he met his bail conditions.

According to the terms of the bail, ACP Agordzor, who is being accused of conspiring with others to destabilise the country was to deposit his passport with the court registry.

He is expected to report to the Inspector General of Police and the Director of BNI twice every week for the next three months.

After fulfilling his part of the court directive, the police allegedly closed their ears but a day after courting media and public sympathy, Mr Agordzor said his brother has been released.

“They went for him in custody around 10 am and he went to sign his bail bond around 11 am. From the High Court, we went to the Kaneshie Court, where these days we just go and sign a register.

ACP Dr Agordzor has been under house arrest since November 20, 2019, when the Kaneshie Magistrate Court ordered that the Bureau of National Investigations hand over the embattled former Director of Operations of the Ghana Police Service to the IGP.

Before then he has been in BNI custody since November 4, 2019.

ACP Agordzo together with nine others has been arraigned for their respective role in an alleged case of destabilising the state.

When the case was consolidated, ACP Agordzo was charged with abetment of treason felony while the others face conspiracy and treason felony.

All suspects have since been remanded into police custody after the prosecution had prayed then the court for them to be remanded them there.

The court magistrate Eleanor Botwe while remanding the suspects, specifically ordered that ACP Agordzo be handed over to the IGP upon request by his lawyers.


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