
Police file injunction against Gen-Z demo

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Police Service has filed an injunction at an Accra High Court to halt a planned seven-day Gen-Z demonstration.

The demonstration which is being organised by three civil society organisations, is scheduled from July 31 to August 6, 2024, at the Black Star Square in Accra.

The groups are Positive Transparency and Accountability Movement-Ghana, Arise Ghana and Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability.

According to the organisers, the demonstration is to bring to the fore the severe economic hardships that primarily affect the youth.

The group also aim to challenge the heavy taxes imposed by the government, including the controversial betting tax, COVID-19 tax, sanitation tax, and increased internet data taxes.

But the affidavit filed by the police said the demonstration would compromise public safety if it is allowed to hold in its current plan.

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The police added that they are already burdened with other operational activities such as the Homowo festival around the period.

“The command is convinced that the proposed demonstration if allowed to go on in its current form may compromise public defence, public order, public safety, the running of essential services as well as the violation of the rights and freedoms of any other persons.

“To safeguard the security of the Region and the Nation as a whole, the Regional Command has mobilised backup personnel from the National Headquarters to assist in areas with personnel shortfalls since it has exhausted and deployed all available personnel within the region for various engagements,” noted the police.

They are, therefore, seeking an order from the court to impose restrictions on the protest, including reducing the duration to two days from 10 am to 6 pm each day.

Meanwhile, the organisers have pledged to defend their right to protest, citing constitutional provisions that protect citizens’ rights to demonstrate.

Below is the affidavit by the police

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