
Police CID alerted to begin criminal investigations into GETFund

The Police have been alerted to begin criminal prosecutions of persons involved in the GETFund scholarship scandal following a “very disturbing” investigation by the Auditor-General.

A woman who has denied receiving a GETFund scholarship has asked the administrator to explain how her name was listed as a beneficiary.

‘I never received a pesewa!’ – GETFund “beneficiary” denies receiving £22,000 scholarship

Samson Lardy Anyenini, who is a Senior Partner at A-Partners@Law, wrote the letter on the instructions of Ramana Shareef.

Narrating her story, the letter stated that seven years ago;  the GETFUND notified the former Metro TV presenter that her application for the scholarship had been successful.

She had received admission to study MSc Communications and Innovation for Development at the University of Reading in 2013.

The tuition was £12, 600.

“I waited and waited for the fees to be paid for me to get the visa to leave but it was never paid,” she lamented on Joy FM Monday.

She deferred her programme for a year, and Reading University cancelled her admission after her second attempt to defer the course.

But according to the Auditor-General’s performance audit, conducted into the activities of GETFund from 2012 to 2018, Shareef had been listed as beneficiary number 46.

The report, which relied on documents presented the audit team by the GETFUND, said Ramana Shareef got £12,600 in tuition and £10,130 in living expenses.

The revelations have left Ramana Shareef furious. She indicated on her Facebook account she would take legal steps to get answers to the ‘embarrassment.’

She has.

A copy of the letter obtained by theghanareport.com read “kindly explain the development, your secretariat being the source of the primary information of the said audit.”

The letter said the explanation from GETFund “will guide further action  over the embarrassment caused her”

The Criminal Investigations Department, the Attorney-General’s Department and the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament have all been copied in the letter.

“We alert same to, and request necessary action including disallowance and surcharge and prosecution of what is clearly a criminal enterprise.”

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