
PNC calls for the interdiction of heads of Aburi Girls and others over student deaths

Source The Ghana Report

The People’s National Convention (PNC) has called for the interdiction of heads of senior high schools where recent deaths have occurred.

In recent months, there have been reports of deaths in Aburi Girls SHS, Akim Swedru SHS, and Kalpohin SHS.

According to the PNC, reports suggest that negligence may have played a role in these tragic incidents, prompting the demand for thorough investigations and accountability.

In a statement issued by the General Secretary, Janet Asana Nabla, the PNC emphasized the need for transparency from the Ministry of Education regarding their investigations and proposed disciplinary actions against those found responsible.

While acknowledging the ministry’s efforts in implementing the Free SHS Programme, the PNC stressed the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of students by holding school principals accountable for any lapses in supervision and adherence to safety protocols.

The party advocated for the temporary removal of the implicated school principals pending the outcome of investigations.

Furthermore, the PNC proposed the presence of trained medical staff, such as nurses, on school campuses to handle health emergencies and provide timely medical assistance to students in need.

Expressing deep concern over the recent tragedies, the PNC vowed to prioritize accountability measures for school administrators in its future government policies, aiming to prevent similar incidents and uphold the highest standards of education and student welfare.

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