
Placing Human Resources at the centre of sustainability

The promotion and attainment of environmental, social, and governance sustainability is one of the greatest challenges of our generation even though it must be a priority for all businesses. Chiefly, HR practitioners are primarily responsible for promoting a culture that embraces environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards and sustainability.

Sadly, the world keeps getting warmer at such an alarming rate. It is therefore essential for businesses to be more sustainable and help safeguard the environment. Interestingly, it seems we have all taken our eyes off the ball assuming HR has no role to play. HR professionals and practitioners can assist hugely in ensuring that we create, operate and manage more sustainable business principles.

The world is evolving each passing moment, especially with the introduction of technology and its diverse impact. One critical advantage is that, organizations can use technology as a springboard to survive and thrive by responding to the rapid changes being introduced into the corporate environment.

Admittedly, the world has experienced significant shifts in Global Economic Power, Demographic Change, Rapid Urbanization, Advancement in Technology, and Climate Change/Resource Scarcity among others. These megatrends and dynamics are dictating the pace of business decisions through AI and globalization.

Generally speaking, many organizations are beginning to take ESG requirements and their challenges into focus. Regulatory bodies are incorporating ESG principles and frameworks as benchmarks for business decisions at all levels. This should impact workforce planning and future workforce requirements needed especially with the many climate crises almost becoming a threat to human existence.

According to an article published by peoplemanagingpeople.com, scientists are now warning that our lack of action on climate will result in faster-than-predicted warming. 350 parts per million CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is seen as the threshold for safety for humanity. We are currently over 427 parts per million and rising rapidly.

This is bad news for all of us, including businesses. 55% of global GDP, equivalent to an estimated $58 trillion, is moderately or highly dependent on a natural world that’s under threat.

Nevertheless, the good news is that, HR and people professionals are well positioned to play an essential role in the transition towards more sustainable business practices and environment. HR is a pivot around which the organization operates, this is because human capital is the most important and valuable asset/resource of every organization.

Unquestionably, it will be ideal to embed and integrate the entire sustainability agenda into HR policies, practices and procedures. This will streamline many of the day-to-day operations and decision-making of the organizations thereby protecting their future and foster a workforce that finds their work more meaningful and engaging.

Sustainability principles are gradually becoming regulatory and compliance requirements with the enactment of various legislations emerging locally and globally. HR’s play an integral role in adapting this integration into the business operation through policy administration and management.

It is imperative to admit that, activities of businesses have in one way or the other caused some level of damage to our planet and society. A much relevant example is the use and reliance on fuel to facilitate business operations. Again, vendor and supply chain activities have a dotted line on how organizations contribute to the pollution in the atmosphere.

However, this advocacy and new order presents an opportunity for HR and people professionals to step up to the exciting work of helping transform our organizations and repairing the damage.

The vision of businesses differs depending on their strategy, this informs their sustainability drive and how they seek to address sustainability principles. It is easy for organizations operating within well regulated industries because they usually have strong sustainability strategies which can fully be integrated into their core business functions and roles.

Carolyn Cox, a Sustainability Consultant and the Founder of Green Business HQ has identified a three-pointer approach through which Human Resources professionals can influence the sustainability drive in their organizations;

Strategy and Action: To win hearts and minds, not just bums on seats, employers need to highlight their efforts to be good global citizens in a genuine and transparent way. Sustainability efforts need to be tangible, actionable, and present in all business decisions.

High-level targets and PR are not enough. Sustainability should lie at the heart of the business strategy to build resilient and future-proof organizations. As an HR and people professional, organizational strategy is a great place to begin.

HR professionals should initiate a progressive conversation starting with top-management on the importance of integrating sustainability in the overall strategy and how it will drive business growth. It can be scaled up to include employees from other departments as well us vendors, third party agents etc., on sustainability and the climate crisis, what it means, its adverse impact on businesses and livelihoods, and most importantly, how everyone can contribute to make a difference.

Recruitment and Retention: The roles you recruit for, the responsibilities and KPIs, and the training provided all need to reflect a commitment to sustainability. For those seeking a career with a purpose, businesses with a clear sustainability strategy and evidence of tangible progress on their website stand out. If you can demonstrate that you are an organization motivated to make a difference, and willing to embrace those wanting to be a part of the change, you will be able to attract these applicants.

In fact, recruiting, training, and supporting sustainability practitioners across professions within your business, can accelerate the implementation of sustainability, gaining momentum as you win over hearts and minds by building the capability and capacity needed across your workforce.

These practices and interventions if enshrined in a flexible legislation/regulation will position every organization as an environmentally friendly one and again be seen an employer of choice.

Sustainability Culture: When we bring passion and purpose to our work, we are inevitably more engaged, focused, and productive. Knowing that their efforts contribute to a sustainable future for them and their loved ones can be highly motivating for employees.

For this purpose, it is important to consider the attractiveness of the industry you are in, the reputation and brand of your company and plan accordingly, especially for younger generations.

In addition, to attract and retain the talent you need requires a good dose of sustainability factors. Everything about your company should send a message about sustainability. A checklist to ensure a supportive culture should include building a tangible and visible culture of sustainability at the workplace.

Employees must be encouraged to get involved in sustainability initiatives deliberately created. Again, good recycling and compost systems within the office space, enhancing energy efficiency, a well ventilated office setup, reusable items, designing a greenery outdoor areas etc. must be promoted.

By integrating sustainability into human resources policies, practices and procedures, organizations can foster a workforce that will be fully dedicated to ensuring a meaningful environment not only for themselves but for future generations. They will find their work more meaningful, engaging and resulted oriented.

Furthermore, sustainability initiatives not only benefit the environment and society but will help your business navigate the challenges we are saddled with due to sophisticated human behaviors and preferences. A commitment to sustainability, supported by HR, will be essential for thriving in a rapidly changing world.

Above all, organizations must be committed to supporting environmental, social, and governance development across their business operations and especially within the communities in which they operate. This will promote, facilitate the transition to net zero and support the ambition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals towards agenda 2030.

Source: Bright Ampadu Okyere – (Business Continuity Coordinator), Bank of Africa, Ghana https://peoplemanagingpeople.com/strategy-operations/hr-sustainability/

Email: brisalhr@gmail.com sdgallianceghana@gmail.com

Twitter: @BaOkyere @GhanaSdg

Facebook: Bright Ampadu Okyere (Sabaah)

LinkedIn: Bright Ampadu Okyere

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