
Patients stranded at Assin Fosu Polyclinic as nurses embark on strike

Patients at the Assin Fosu Polyclinic in the Assin Fosu Municipality of the Central Region are stranded following a sit-down strike by nurses and other medical staff.

The strike is a result of the shortage of doctors at the polyclinic.

According to some nurses, the polyclinic has been operating with only one doctor for the past seven years. In the absence of doctors, nurses are forced to handle all patients, which affects the quality of healthcare delivery.

The nurses are also concerned about their working conditions and have vowed to continue the strike until their demands are met.

Meanwhile, some of the stranded patients shared their ordeal in an interview, saying that neither nurses nor other health workers were ready to attend to them.

Some of the patients had to travel long distances to seek medical attention in different districts.

The patients appeal to the authorities to address the concerns of the health workers as much as possible.

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