
Parliamentary Service Board ‘meeting’ in Dubai untrue – Speaker

The office of the speaker of Parliament.Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin has denied publications alleging that members of the parliamentary service board had held a board meeting in Dubai  at the instance of the speaker.

“There has not been any meeting of the PSB in Dubai held at the instance and convenience of the Speaker of Parliament,” a statement issued by the Office of the Speaker said.

“It is worth noting that arrangement for the workshop predated the Speaker of Parliament’s medical trip to Dubai. It was initially planned for April 2021 and was finally held in September 2021. It had to be postponed a couple of times due to time constraints and availability of members of the PSB. Consequently, the workshop and the Speaker’s medical trip had nothing in common.

“We entreat all well-meaning Ghanaians to disregard this misleading publication, which only seeks to traduce the Rt.Hon. Speaker’s character by negatively projecting him and the Parliamentary Service Board.”

The Speaker recently undertook a two-week trip to Dubai to seek medical care – from November 27 to December 14.

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