
Over 3,000 mental disorders in 2023 attributed to alcohol use – Mental Health Authority

Source The Ghana Report

The Mental Health Authority of Ghana has raised concerns about the growing trend of mental health disorders linked to alcohol abuse.

In 2023, the country recorded 3,765 cases of mental disorders attributed to alcohol use, according to the authority’s latest report.

The report was released on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on Wednesday, June 26.

The authority highlighted a worrying five-year trend of increasing mental health issues due to substance abuse, with alcohol being a significant contributor.

Data from the District Health Information Management System (DHIMS) showed a consistent rise in alcohol-related mental health cases, with the most affected age range being 20-34 years.

Alarmingly, even children aged 10-14 years are presenting with conditions stemming from substance abuse.

This year’s theme, “Evidence is clear: Invest in prevention,” underscores the authority’s commitment to addressing the challenges of drug and alcohol abuse in the country.

The authority has partnered with various stakeholders to combat the issue through education, publication, and policy advocacy.

They stressed the need to tackle the root causes of substance abuse to prevent further escalation of mental health disorders in Ghana.

Below is the statement from the authority.

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