
Open Letter to the Registrar, WAEC, over threats to postpone 2024 BECE

Ghana, Accra. June 24, 2024

Dear Registrar of WAEC,


I am writing to express extreme concern and caution against any attempts to postpone the upcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for private schools. The recent announcement by your office citing financial constraints is unacceptable and potentially illegal.

Private schools have paid the full examination fees, and it is imperative that WAEC honours its contractual obligation to conduct the exams as scheduled. Lumping all basic schools together, including those that have fulfilled their financial obligations, is unjust and a clear breach of contract.

Postponing the exams for private schools would not only cause significant inconvenience but also undermine the trust and confidence in WAEC’s ability to manage examinations fairly and efficiently. The consequences of such an action would be far-reaching and potentially damaging to the reputation of WAEC.

I urge you to explore alternative solutions to address the financial constraints, rather than penalising private schools that have fulfilled their obligations. The government’s failure to release funds for public basic schools should not be used as a justification to punish private schools that have paid their fees in full.

I caution WAEC against taking any action that would compromise the integrity of the examination process and the rights of private schools that have fulfilled their obligations. Any attempt to postpone the exams for private schools would be met with swift legal action, and we will seek all available remedies to protect the interests of our constituents.

I demand that WAEC take immediate action to ensure that the BECE proceeds as scheduled for private schools. I expect a written assurance from your office, confirming that the exams will not be postponed for private schools that have paid their fees in full.

Failure to provide this assurance will be taken as an indication of WAEC’s intention to breach its contractual obligations, and all necessary steps will be taken to protect the rights of parents and children in the private basic schools.

Sincerely, Evans Mawunyo Tsikata Concerned Stakeholder

cc: Ministry of Education Ghana Education Service Private Schools Association.

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