
Nsawam To Get Brewery Under 1D1F

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Nsawam Adoagyiri Constituency, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, has said that Nsawam would soon have a brewery company that would create both direct and indirect jobs to the youth in that town.

The company, which is being constructed by Specialty Beers Ghana Ltd, is receiving support from the government under the One District-One Factory (1D1F) initiative.

According to the MP, the factory, located on the Daamang Road, is 90% completed and awaiting the final tax waiver from Parliament.

He said, “as MP, I am committed to continue lobbying for its successful completion,” and gave assurance that once the company gears up, about 25 to 40 additional staff members would be directly engaged.

“Further to this, we will depend on third-party companies to assist with marketing activities such as events organisation, distribution,” while the company looks to generate indirect employment through various suppliers for raw material including farmers.

It is estimated that about 100 persons would benefit directly and indirectly from this project, with about 50 people being required by civil contractors and engineers for a period of about 8 months during the construction and installation phases.

The MP, who is also the Majority Chief Whip, said on the commercial side, “it is our vision to develop and establish a niche market for sales, top-fermented  or special beers within the larger national beer market, achieving a 1% market share of the over two million hectolitres Ghana beer market.

He indicated that there would also be opportunities to export the products from the company to the subregion while exploring ways for other start-ups to launch into the local market.

“Our facility will also offer possibilities of contract brewing for commercial entities who wish to create beers with their own label,” he stated.

Mr Annoh-Dompreh, also said that with an investment of nearly €4 million, Specialty Beers Ghana Ltd could achieve a daily brewing capacity of 100 hectolitres upon the start of operations.

READ ALSO: Group Calls For End Of Plastic Menace With 1D1F Industrial Hub

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