
NPP South Korea Chairman writes: Amidu can go

Every discerning Ghanaian should be reminded that, any office holder  is free to resign his office and if Martin chooses so be it.

Now, the law creating the office makes him independent and therefore he should obey the law and his conscience only. Simplicita!!!

He, Martin Amidu, chose to send a summary to the Presidency of his report and the President felt he needed to advice, He accepted the report and asked that the matter be referred back to Parliament for further deliberations.

Well,  Amidu should not have sent it but he did, and the President referred it to Parliament.

President Akufo-Addo had good intentions that’s why he created that office and that is why he appointed Martin Amidu. Because he is a man who is incorruptible and meant well for our dear nation Ghana by creating that office in the first place.

If Martin Amidu meant well, he should stay on and fight corruption rather than sensationalize his resignation in manner that smears of utmost dishonesty to his persona.

I encourage every party member, that, this is a scheme that must be shot down. Nana Addo is Incorruptible. Nana Addo is a good omen for the Republic of Ghana.

These are all lessons for every Nana Addo appointee, along the journey of serving the nation, none should leave room for any potential brouhaha. When in power, we ought to act judiciously in every role assigned us by the President. This too shall pass. Shalom!!!

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