
NPA to COPEC, IES : We’re not “playing soft” with Sentuo Refinery

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has debunked assertions by the Institute for Energy Security (IES) and the Chamber of Petroleum Consumers (COPEC) suggesting it is “playing soft” with Chinese-owned Sentuo Refinery.

The two bodies on Wednesday (21 February) called for the immediate closure of Chinese-owned Sentuo Refinery accusing the latter of releasing unwholesome petroleum product onto the Ghanaian market in contravention of national fuel specifications.

In a joint statment on Wednesday, the two bodies threatened legal action against the NPA and Ghana Standard Authority, if the situation is not addressed adding that such fuel is causing damage to vehicles and machinery.

However, a statement issued by the NPA on Thursday (22 February), said it was incorrect and alarmist for the IES and COPEC to allege that the “out-of-specification products are reported as causing damage to vehicles and machinery.”

“No such damage to vehicles has occurred as the defect has to do with high vapour pressure,” the statement said.

“Beyond the remedial actions taken, sanctions have also been imposed on Sentuo Oil Refinery Limited (SORL),” it added.

According to the NPA, it has at all material times, enforced the rules and regulations governing the industry fairly and equitably.


President Akufo-Addo on Friday (26 January) commissioned Ghana’s first private oil refinery built by the Sentuo Group, Ghana, a Chinese conglomerate, at the Tema Industrial Area, near Accra.

The two-million-dollar Sentuo Oil Refinery has an initial processing capacity of 40,000 barrels per day, scalable to 100,000 barrels when the facility is fully operational.

The facility is expected to be completed this year and will operate at a production capacity of five million barrels per year.

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