
Niger Coup: Ghana exploring possible evacuation ahead of possible ECOWAS intervention

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghanaian embassy in Niger has disclosed that it is considering the possibility of evacuating its citizens as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) deadline for coup reversal expires.

To this effect, officials of the embassy are expected to meet the leadership of the Ghanaian community in Niamey to discuss the possible evacuation exercise.

The Nigerien government of President Mohamed Bazzoum was overthrown by the military on July 26, 2023.

The junta dissolved the constitution, suspended all institutions, and closed the nation’s borders.

ECOWAS, however, condemned the coup and imposed sanctions on the country.

Leaders of the ECOWAS also gave the Nigerien military a Sunday, August 6 deadline to release and reinstate the country’s ousted president or face military intervention.

In the face of the threat of an intervention, the embassy is taking this step to ensure the safety of all Ghanaian citizens in Niger.

In an earlier communication, the president of the Ghanaian community in Niger, Seidu Abudu assured that his counterparts were safe despite the military unrest in the country.

He added that there were about 600 Ghanaian nationals residing in Niger and efforts were in place to protect all of them.

“I am in Niamey right now, everything is under control. As the community president, my concern is to protect the Ghanaians in Niger. We are all safe and there is no problem, ” he said.

Since the announcement of the Niger coup d’etat, West African nations like Nigeria, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast have declared they will send soldiers to Niger under the prospect of a regional war.

However, the Nigerian Senate has asked President Bola Tinubu, Chairman of the ECOWAS, to explore options other than the use of military force.

Meanwhile, military-run Burkina Faso and Mali have declared that any intervention in Niger will be viewed as a declaration of war against them.

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