
NDC petitioned again over electoral register

Agents of some National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer aspirants have petitioned the party’s Elections Committee ahead of its presidential primaries slated for 23rd February 2019.

The agents, in their petition raised several concerns including the cleaning of the party’s electoral register.

This has necessitated another meeting to discuss these concerns.

A member of the NDC’s Election Committee, Abraham Amaliba told Citi News ahead of today’s [Friday] meeting that the petition will not affect the upcoming election on 23rd February, 2019.

“There has been a petition from some agents of the aspirants. Not the aspirants themselves, to clean up the voters’ register which we are already doing to ensure that the total number of delegates are known.  We will meet today and iron all those things out.

“I think they will need clarification on some of the issues and that is what the meeting will do. When we meet today, we will put down some points which will seek to clarify some doubts that they have but this is not going to stall any forward march towards 23rd February.”

Some six aspirants of the party had earlier petitioned the party, demanding a review of the guidelines for the upcoming election.

The six had previously raised issues with the electoral register and the choice of printing firm for the ballot papers.

The six aspirants had said the party should award the contract for the printing of the ballot papers to a trustworthy firm such as the Assembly Press, to ensure that some of the irregularities that rocked the party’s national executive election held in November 2018 do not re-occur this time around.

But the deputy General Secretary of the NDC, Peter Boamah Otukunor told Citi News the party has re-looked at its guidelines for the polls and has gotten approval from the National Executive Council for the finalized guidelines.

“The election committee will share the operational guidelines with the flagbearers during the meeting. We were working on an operational guideline that will help the activities on the ground during the elections and we have consulted them extensively. The NEC has looked at it and approved that we meet the aspirants and share the details of the operational guideline with them,” he said.

Source: citinewsroom

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