
NDC congratulates Bagbin over his election as CPA president

Source theghanareport

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has congratulated Alban Bagbin on his election as President of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

The Speaker of Parliament was unanimously elected at the just-ended 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) hosted by Canada in Halifax. The CPA is made up of over 180 member parliaments of the Commonwealth of Nations,

“The leadership and entire membership of the National Democratic Congress have taken note of the recent election of the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, our own much beloved Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, as the new President of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. We issue this statement to formally offer him our warmest congratulations on this singular achievement which brings honour and dignity not only to his person and sterling qualities but also to the continent of Africa, our  country Ghana, and the National Democratic Congress of which he is a committed and dedicated member.”

Until his election, Mr. Bagbin was the Vice-President of the CPA.

CPA is an organization of over 180 member Parliaments of Commonwealth nations.

“As we all bask in the pride of his election, we also request for God’s strength and grace to enable him to discharge his additional functions with the wisdom and dexterity that has characterized his tenure since his historic election as the first ever Speaker of Parliament from outside the ranks of the governing party. Comrade Speaker, the NDC wishes you well. The people of Ghana are proud of you. May you continue to enjoy  God’s bountiful blessing,” a statement issued by the NDC on Monday, 29 August 2022, said.

By virtue of the Speaker’s new role, Ghana has been chosen to host the 66th Conference of the CPA in Accra from 30 September to 7 October 2023.

Per his election, Mr. Bagbin would chair the Elections Committee of the Association and serve as a member of the Executive Committee of the Association, among other roles.

Meanwhile, the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, has also been elected vice chairman of the association.

About CPA


The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is one of the oldest established organizations in the Commonwealth.

Founded in 1911, it is a membership association that brings together Members, irrespective of gender, race, religion, or culture, who are united by a community of interest, respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and the pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy.

The association is made up of over 180 legislatures (or Branches) divided up between nine geographic regions of the Commonwealth.

It offers a vast opportunity for Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to collaborate on issues of mutual interest and to share good practices.

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